You can do this!

Students, You are the future! The choices you are making every day have potential to help you reach your goals and dreams! At Parkgate, we share education that can Empower you to make the best choices about your life, relationships and sexually risky behaviors! The information we share is approved by the state department of education and is also medically accurate! 
If we haven’t been in your school, have your teacher or counselor give us a call at 662.231.6002 or fill out the form below! 

What is it?

Empower is an interactive class for students in grades 7-12 teaching youth responsibility, self-regulation, goal-setting, healthy decision making, and a focus on the future. Along with these, Empower’s goal is the prevention of youth risk behaviors – such as drug and alcohol usage – without normalizing teen sexual activity.

Empower utilizes “REAL Essentials” curriculum using different lessons and activities depending on the age group. All lessons taught are not only medically accurate but culturally relevant.

Want empower in your school?

Let’s connect!

Let us know you would like Empower to come to your school or church. A team member will contact you to discuss details, but we can get the conversation started online. Fill out and submit the form below to express your interest.

Can we text you?

Have you been to an Empower lesson?

9 + 7 =


Resources for Parents

Want to talk to your kids about hard subjects? We are here to lend a helping hand. With easy to follow power points, videos, and more, we can help make those hard discussions easy and even fun. Check back soon for these helpful guides!